Hey all!
Hope you're all doing great this fine, fancy, Friday morning! I'm up bright and early as I often am and I wanted to give you some tips for school ID photos.
If you're like me, I use make up and a smile to distract everyone from the constant pain of dislocations and other symptoms making me feel
If you don't have to leave your bedroom:
- 1- Don't get dressed, in my photos I was wearing my pajamas and I have no shame in admitting the effort
- 2-if your anxiety causes it all to matter most I suggest getting dressed and ready in pieces and not all at once. Pace yourself! **if you don't know what pacing is, please find Jo Southall and let her legit change your life**
-3- Thicker make up in unnatural light never seems to look as caked on as it does outside, so as long as you don't have to GO outside like this, use a heavier contour hand and bold your eyeliner because it might now show up otherwise.
-4- Don't stand in front of a plain background, sit in front of it. Remember chances are it's from your collar bones up that they are going to use!
- 5- Blink before the flash: A photographer friend of mine told me this trick while we were
-6- I like to pull some silly faces and loosen myself up first before taking the serious shots!
If you have to leave the house for the photo:
-1- Got any cute leggings/
-2- if you don't want your photo to be in your wheelchair, take it with you to line up, and then get out
-3- Or, get there early and explain to the photographer that you don't want your wheelchair in the shot and see what they can do!
-4- if it's a professional set up really really seriously blink before the flash.
So those are my tips, I have
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